Posts Tagged ""

Lost Girl: Sex and the Need to Please

Posted by on Sep 20, 2012 in Identity

Lost Girl: Sex and the Need to Please

"She’s been everybody else’s girl, maybe one day she’ll be her own." Tori Amos, "Girl"

Sarah curls up in the chair, sunlight glinting off the top of her bent head. She can’t look at me. "Did you want to do it?" I ask. "No." "Then why did you?" "I thought I had to. We had already started, and I knew that’s what he expected. I didn’t want him to be mad."

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Posted by on Sep 7, 2012 in Parenting


"Oh Franklin! ...just because you're afraid doesn't mean you aren't brave. Being brave means doing what you have to do no matter how scared you feel." Paulette Bourgeois, Franklin Goes to the Hospital

My daughter wipes her cheeks and nose with the knotted up tissue, dazed brown eyes leaking constant tears that drip onto her red and white striped cotton dress.

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One Parent’s Grief

Posted by on Aug 22, 2012 in Loss, Trauma

One Parent’s Grief

"...please: Don’t say it’s not really so bad. Because it is…If you think your task as comforter is to tell me that really, all things considered, it’s not so bad, you do not sit with me in my grief but place yourself off in the distance... Over there, you are of no help…I need to hear from you that you are with me in my desperation. To comfort me, you have to come close." Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lament for a Son

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I Don’t Like Mommy

Posted by on Aug 4, 2012 in Parenting

I Don’t Like Mommy

“I don’t like Mommy sometimes and it’s okay to feel that way.”

As I exited her room after asking her to clean up her toys, I overheard my older daughter mumble these words. And I was so happy to hear them. I believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is the freedom not to like us all the time.

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